Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday- Tattoo

I'm joining in with My Little Drummer Boys today for Wordless Wednesday. And sharing something I've wanted for ages and finally plucked up the courage to do.



  1. lovely handwriting on your tatoo

  2. WOW Beck! You took the big step, good on you! It's a lovely thing to get a tattoo of something that means a alot to you... and you have chosen two little guys that mean the world to you.
    I doubt I'll ever share mine on the blog, it would be hard to get the right angle for starters ;o) xo

  3. I love tattoos!! And it's such a great way to celebrate someone you love, especially your children <3 I need to get my children tattooed on me soon! Was the foot painful? I only have my back done.

  4. Your pic caught my eye because of the havaianas...mine snapped last week :(
    I'm not one for tattoos but yours is sweet - love the "font" :)

  5. That is beautiful I have been thinking of having one done with my sisters name she passed away last year and we were going to go together. Yours is just lovely and special too.I have just found your wonderful blog up late can't sleep, I'm now following if you find a minute come over and visit me I would love to catch up. Hope you have a great day.

    Always Wendy

  6. I love foot tattoos.. I have my boys names on my back, which I love but hate that i cant see it without a mirror! Didnt really think that one through!


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